
Showing posts with the label events 11th

What an historical tv show this would make. WIP

These are some of the people who lived during one of the most eventful times in Welsh history. We have kidnapping, rape, murder, seduction, loyalty, treachery , lots of battles and wars. The underdogs winning against all the odds, the arrival of the longbow. Here are some of the people involved. This is nowhere near finished . SURELY SOMEONE WITH A BRAIN COULD MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF ALL THIS?? Rhys ap Tewdwr (c. 1040 – 1093)  Father of Nest and Gruffudd  in this list was a king of Deheubarth AND descended from Rhodri the Great. claimed the throne of Deheubarth claimed the throne of Deheubarth following the death of his second cousin Rhys ab Owain, who was beheaded after the battle of Gwdig  against Caradog ap Gruffydd in 1078. ( His uncle was implicated in the killing of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn king of Gwynedd and Powys in 1075, Trahaearn ap Caradog, followed Bleddyn on the throne of Gwynedd Caradog invaded so rhys fled 1081 Caradog ap Gruffydd invaded Deheubarth and drove Rhys to seek sanct