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/Norman/English nobles killed by the welsh (WIP)

Henry FitzMiles believed to have been slain by Seisyll ap Dyfnwal, a Welsh Lord of Upper Gwent. He was killed at Castle Arnold in the valley of the River Usk, on eve of Easter. His death, whether it was murder or in conflict, was avenged by his nephew, William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber in 1175 at Abergavenny Castle. William de Braose He was captured by the Welsh forces of Prince Llywelyn the Great, in fighting in the commote of Ceri near Montgomery, in 1228. William was ransomed for the sum of £2,000 and then furthermore made an alliance with Llywelyn, arranging to marry his daughter Isabella de Braose to Llywelyn's only legitimate son Dafydd ap Llywelyn. However, it became known that William had committed adultery with Llywelyn's wife, Joan, Lady of Wales, and Braose was taken at his own home and transported to Wales.[3] The marriage planned between their two children did, however, take place.[4] The Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur's entry for 1230 reads:[citation needed]

English kings that fought against the Welsh WIP

Edward the Confessor  Edward the Confessor, enthroned, opening scene of the Bayeux Tapestry  8 June 1042  January 1066 DIDN’T lead an army into Wales himself.  The first 10 years were taken up by the Welsh killing eachother and fighting vikings, after that we saw Gruffudd ap Llywelyn fighting to unite Wales and taking the fight into England before Harold Godwenson and his brother took the fight to him.  1041   Gruffydd defeated Hywel of Dyfed at the Battle of Pencader 1044  Hywel returned with a Danish fleet to try to reclaim his kingdom, but Gruffydd defeated and killed him. 1047  Gruffydd ap Rhyderch of Gwent expelled Gruffydd ap Llywelyn from Deheubarth. 1052 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn  attacked Herefordshire and defeated a mixed force of Normans and English in the Battle of Leominster and sacks the town. 1055  Gruffydd ap Llywelyn killed Gruffydd ap Rhydderch and recaptured Deheubarth. He then allied himself with Aelgar of Mercia and they marched on Hereford, defeating the force of the E