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One siege the Welsh were outsmarted by the Norman husband of Nest Ferch Rhys, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr

The End of the 11th century was among the most violent in the very violent history of Wales, The Brutal Norman marcher lords were taking lands and losing them just as fast and the Welsh stopped killing each other for a while to face a common enemy . In the years from 1068 to 1100 i can count over 60 sieges 31 battles One siege the Welsh were outsmarted by the Norman husband of Nest Ferch Rhys, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr Below is from Paul Martin Remfry, a man who knows more than anyone about these troubled times.  In 1095 the Welsh began a sustained campaign of resistance. By early 1096 Hywel ap Goronwy had become one of the leaders of the Welsh revolt. That Spring he, together with Uchtryd ab Edwin and the war band of Cadwgan ap Bleddyn, laid waste the province of Penfro and strongly besieged Gerald Windsor in Pembroke castle. Unfortunately for the Welsh the wily Gerald outfoxed them and baffled, forced them to break off their siege, though they returned home with great booty Gerald o