
Showing posts with the label nobles

Powerful Welsh rulers nobody talks about (NO 1 Caradog ap Gruffydd (died 1081)

Caradog's father was Gruffydd ap Rhydderch who after receiving the Lordship of Caerleon in 1031, also inherited Glywysing, and became King of Deheubarth in 1045, in the same year as Gruffydd's second cousin, Cadwgan ap Meurig, inherited the Kingdom of Gwent from his father Meurig ap Hywel. Both of them were co-descendants of Owain, son of Morgan Hen "the Old", the last ruler of a unified Kingdom of Morgannwg. Gruffydd ap Rhydderch was a powerful king who resisted raids by the Danes and attacks by Gruffydd ap Llywelyn. However in 1055 after many attempts, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn killed him in battle and took Deheubarth which enabled him to unite the whole of Wales.  In 1057 Gruffydd ap Llywellyn was recognized as King of Wales and Caradog was given Caerleon in Gwent, he also added  Morgannwg early on in his career.  After the defeat of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn by Harold Godwinson in 1063, old lineages were restored, with Caradog becoming ruler of Glywysing at about the same t

/Norman/English nobles killed by the welsh (WIP)

Henry FitzMiles believed to have been slain by Seisyll ap Dyfnwal, a Welsh Lord of Upper Gwent. He was killed at Castle Arnold in the valley of the River Usk, on eve of Easter. His death, whether it was murder or in conflict, was avenged by his nephew, William de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber in 1175 at Abergavenny Castle. William de Braose He was captured by the Welsh forces of Prince Llywelyn the Great, in fighting in the commote of Ceri near Montgomery, in 1228. William was ransomed for the sum of £2,000 and then furthermore made an alliance with Llywelyn, arranging to marry his daughter Isabella de Braose to Llywelyn's only legitimate son Dafydd ap Llywelyn. However, it became known that William had committed adultery with Llywelyn's wife, Joan, Lady of Wales, and Braose was taken at his own home and transported to Wales.[3] The marriage planned between their two children did, however, take place.[4] The Chronicle of Ystrad Fflur's entry for 1230 reads:[citation needed]