Gwynedd seemed to be the most powerful of Welsh kingdoms
Throughout medieval times Gwynedd seemed to be the most powerful of Welsh kingdoms, there were times when Deheubarth took the crown , for example hywel dda and Rhys ap Gruffydd but for the vast majority of times it was Gwynedd. Why though? Was the population of Gwynedd higher than the other kingdoms, so they had bigger armies? Rhodri Mawr gwynedd Hywel Dda Maredudd ab Owain Llywelyn ap Seisyll Gwynedd, Powys, and Deheubarth Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Gwynedd 1063–1075 Powys 1063–1075 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Gwynedd 1039–1063 Powys 1039–1063 Deheubarth 1055–1063