77 Pages of Welsh Wars and battles, No country in Europe has fought more for its survival

Wales has more castles per square mile than anywhere else, More medieval religious buildings, more early medieval stones/crosses/inscriptions, more Iron Age Hillforts, it has some of the oldest literature in Europe and a literary tradition that is the oldest in Europe that's still being used today, It is the Welsh who are the keepers of the ancient British traditions and language.

Wales or its history isn't better or worse than any other, but it is ignored more than any other, there are no big tv shows, no movies so people outside of Wales are completely ignorant of Welsh history, what they do know is often wrong.
There has never been a film about anything of medieval Wales, but there are hundreds about England and Scotland. The BBC also ignores Welsh history but makes countless shows about everywhere else.
To be proud of your history isn't nationalism, to state facts isn't nationalism.
Wales has history, lots and lots of it.


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