Gerald of Wales, The Description of Wales , true or not.

 The Journey Through Wales and the Description of Wales were written by Garald of Wales in 1188.

Is work gives us a unique window into Wales at a time where constant warfare was the norm. 

I have many favorite quotes but there is one that stands out for me. 

 CHAPTER VIII > Page 15 · Location 221

 king Henry II., in reply to the inquiries of Emanuel, emperor of Constantinople, concerning the situation, nature, and striking peculiarities of the British island, among other remarkable circumstances mentioned the following: “That in a certain part of the island there was a people, called Welsh, so bold and ferocious that, when unarmed, they did not fear to encounter an armed force; being ready to shed their blood in defence of their country, and to sacrifice their lives for renown; which is the more surprising, as the beasts of the field over the whole face of the island became gentle, but these desperate men could not be tamed. The wild animals, and particularly the stags and hinds, are so abundant, owing to the little molestation they receive, that in our time, in the northern parts of the island towards the Peak, (17) when pursued by the hounds and hunters, they contributed, by their numbers, to their own destruction.

The pont of this post is to find out if there are any other sources for what he has written there?
Commnet bellow or messege me on facebook if you know the answer. 

Here are some more quotes from Gerald of Wales.

 CHAPTER VIII > Page 14 · Location 205

They anxiously study the defence of their country and their liberty ; for these they fight , for these they undergo hardships , and for these willingly sacrifice their lives ; they esteem it a disgrace to die in bed , an honour to die in the field of battle .

CHAPTER X > Page 16 · Location 231

No one of this nation ever begs , for the houses of all are common to all ; and they consider liberality and hospitality amongst the first virtues .

CHAPTER X > Page 16 · Location 239

no nation labours more under the vice of jealousy than the Irish , so none is more free from it than the Welsh :

CHAPTER XII > Page 18 · Location 264

These people being of a sharp and acute intellect , and gifted with a rich and powerful understanding , excel in whatever studies they pursue , and are more quick and cunning than the other inhabitants of a western clime .

CHAPTER XV > Page 22 · Location 329

Nature hath given not only to the highest , but also to the inferior , classes of the people of this nation , a boldness and confidence in speaking and answering , even in the presence of their princes and chieftains .

Here is some quotes from Itinerarium Cambriae 1191

"My Lord King, this nation may now be harassed, weakened and decimated by your soldiery, as it has so often been by others in former times; but it will never be totally destroyed by the wrath of man, unless at the same time it is punished by the wrath of God. Whatever else may come to pass, I do not think that on the Day of Direst Judgement any race other than the Welsh, or any other language, will give answer to the Supreme Judge of all for this small corner of the earth"


"If they would be inseparable, they would be insuperable", and that, unlike the English hirelings, who fight for power or to procure gain or wealth, the Welsh patriots fight for their country. "

"In their musical concerts they do not sing in unison like the inhabitants of other countries, but in many different parts… You will hear as many different parts and voices as there are performers who all at length unite with organic melody. "


"The Welsh go to extremes in all matters. You may never find anyone worse than a bad Welshman, but you will certainly never find anyone better than a good one. A happy and prosperous race indeed, a people blessed and blessed again, if only they had good prelates and pastors, and one single prince and he a just one "

Gerald of Wales


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